Rob Harrop

Exploring Config Validation with Cue

I recently discovered Cue which, according to its website, is a language 'for defining, generating, and validating all kinds of data'. My interest in Cue comes from wanting a single mechanism for validation, generation and boilerplate reduction that will work with the various flavours of YAML and JSON present in my projects. Some of these flavours may be familiar - Docker Compose, Kubernetes, GitHub Actions - and others are custom but probably not wildly different from custom formats you may have built yourself.

Something about Cue has really piqued my interest and, while I certainly don't profess to understand everything it can do, I have a reasonable grasp on how it fits my use cases of validation, generation and boilerplace reduction.

For the purposes of this post I'll use Docker Compose as the target format since it's reasonably easy to understand even if you've never used Compose before.

A Compose file specifies a set of services, each backed by one or more containers, that the Compose orchestrator manages as a logical whole inside Docker. Consider this example docker-compose.yaml:

image: postgres:14
image: redis:6.2

This is a Compose configuration defining two services, database and cache. The database service runs the pre-built image postgres:14 and the cache service runs the pre-built image redis:6.2. We can start by defining a basic schema for this in schema.cue:

services: [string]: #Service
#Service: {
image: string

This schema says that the key services is an object with string-typed keys and values that are typed like #Service. The schema further defines #Service to be an object with a single key image that has a string-typed value.

With the cue vet command we can check that our docker-compose.yaml matches the schema:

❯ cue vet docker-compose.yaml schema.cue

Successful schema validation gives empty output so there's nothing much to show here!

echo $?

Open vs. Closed Types

Not all services in a Compose project use pre-built images. Instead, some services will build their image when the project starts. Such services are defined using a build key rather than an image key:

image: postgres:14
image: redis:6.2
build: ./app

We've added the app service that uses build, let's see what cue vet says:

❯ cue vet docker-compose.yaml schema.cue field not allowed: build:

Cue is telling us that the build field is not allowed. When we define a type using the #Name style we're defining a closed type. Closed types specify the allowable fields exactly and open types allow fields beyond those that are specified.

We could turn our #Service type into an open type, but then we're really reducing the effectiveness of the schema by allowing any extra field of any shape to be added inside a service definition. The image field will still be verified as per the schema, but extra fields are unchecked.

Let's add the build field to our #Service type and see what happens:

#Service: {
image: string
build: string

When we come to vet this now, we get an error from Cue:

❯ cue vet docker-compose.yaml schema.cue incomplete value string incomplete value string incomplete value string

The schema as we've specified it requires both image and build for each service, whereas a normal Compose file will only use one per service.

Optional Fields

Cue allows fields to be defined as optional using a ? suffix on the field name. We might be tempted to make both image and build optional like so:

#Service: {
image?: string
build?: string

Although these optional fields allow our docker-compose.yaml to vet correctly, we've also made it valid for a service to have neither an image nor a build field! Thankfully, Cue has a much cleaner solution to this problem: disjunctions.


With disjunctions we're able to say that a type has either one set of fields or another. This allows us to say that #Service has either an image or a build:

#Service: {
image: string
} | {
build: string

This schema says that #Service is either (|) a type containing an image: string field or a type containing a build: string field. Exactly one of these fields must be provided.

If we attempt to use both image and build like this:

image: postgres:14
image: redis:6.2
build: ./app
image: app:latest

Then Cue complains:

❯ cue vet docker-compose.yaml schema.cue 2 errors in empty disjunction: field not allowed: build:
./schema.cue:5:32 field not allowed: image:

I like to refactor this a little to give names to the different sides of the disjunction:

_ServiceWithBuild: { build: string }
_ServiceWithImage: { image: string }
#Service: (_ServiceWithBuild | _ServiceWithImage)

The _ServiceWithBuild and _ServiceWithImage declarations are private to the schema (thanks to the _) and open (thanks to the lack of #). The resulting disjunction #Service is both a public part of the schema and is a closed type. This is covered in more depth here.

Beyond Strings

So far we've only seen the basic string type for our fields, but Cue has other types like number:

services: [string]: #Service

_ServiceWithBuild: { build: string }
_ServiceWithImage: { image: string }
#Service: (_ServiceWithBuild | _ServiceWithImage) & {
healthcheck?: {
retries: number

We've added an optional healthcheck field to the service type using a conjunction (&). This healthcheck field is an object type with a retries field that is of type number. If we try using a value for retries that is non-numeric then we'll get an error:

image: postgres:14
image: redis:6.2
build: ./app
retries: ten

Thanks to the ten here, Cue complains:

services.cache.healthcheck.retries: conflicting values "ten" and number (mismatched types string and number):

Constraint Types

Cue uses a fancy lattice-based type system which leads to a natural way of introducing constraints on the allowed values in a schema. Rather than saying that retries is a number we can say that it is > 0:

services: [string]: #Service

_ServiceWithBuild: { build: string }
_ServiceWithImage: { image: string }
#Service: (_ServiceWithBuild | _ServiceWithImage) & {
healthcheck?: {
retries: >0

Trying to set the value of retries to 0 leads Cue to complain as expected: invalid value 0 (out of bound >0):

List Types

Services in Compose can depend on other services using the depends_on attribute:

image: postgres:14
image: redis:6.2
build: ./app
retries: 1
- database
- cache

Here we're saying the the app service depends on both the database service and the cache service. Let's add depends_on to our schema:

#Service: (_ServiceWithBuild | _ServiceWithImage) & {
healthcheck?: {
retries: >0
depends_on?: [string, ...string]

We've made depends_on optional (with ?) and given it the type [string, ...string] which is a list of strings with at least one item. The type [string] is a list with exactly one item and the type [...string] is a list with zero or more items.

Self Reference

We've added depends_on to the schema but we still have a gap in our validation logic: we allow any string to be present in the dependency list. Ideally, we want to allow only the names of services in the dependency list.

We can do this by defining a custom #Dependable type for the elements of our depends_on list type:

services: [string]: #Service

#Dependable: or([for k,v in services { k }])

_ServiceWithBuild: { build: string }
_ServiceWithImage: { image: string }
#Service: (_ServiceWithBuild | _ServiceWithImage) & {
healthcheck?: {
retries: >0
depends_on?: [#Dependable, ...#Dependable]

The definition of depends_on now points to the #Dependable type which has a definition we've not seen so far. Let's break it down step-by-step.

The stanza [for k,v in services { k }] is a list comprehension expression that iterates over the keys k and values v in our services object. For each key/value pair, the result of the brace-delimited block is added to the output list. In our case, we get a list that looks like this: [database, cache, app].

The or(...) expression is a distributed disjunction: it turns the list into a disjunction type. In our case this gives us the disjoint type database | cache | app: a string of exactly one of those three values.

With this schema, if we make a mistake in our depends_on list like this:

image: postgres:14
image: redis:6.2
build: ./app
retries: 1
- database
- cach

Then Cue will complain that cach doesn't match the disjunction: 3 errors in empty disjunction: conflicting values "app" and "cach":
./schema.cue:11:35 conflicting values "cache" and "cach":
./schema.cue:11:35 conflicting values "database" and "cach":

Closing Thoughts

I'm still in the discovery phase with Cue, but I'm already seeing the power of the system. In particular, the combination of disjunction types and constraint types seem to be a natural fit for many of the config formats I find myself dealing with on a daily basis.

Much of the true power in Cue comes from the synthesis of schema validation and config generation, a topic I plan to cover in a future post.